Chris moved to Historic Springfield in 2001. She loves history and when it comes to Historic Springfield she can tell you all about the old historic structures. She spends countless hours in the library researching. If there is something you want to know about a house in the neighborhood, Chris can help!
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio and graduate of Miami University. I was recruited by General Motors Corporation out of college and have worked for the last 15 years as a real estate developer in Ohio, Texas, Georgia, and Florida. I moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Jacksonville in 1990 after purchasing several properties in Jacksonville Beach and Historic Springfield. I've been active in many Jacksonville organizations, including Springfield Preservation and Restoration, Springfield Community Business Roundtable, and Neighborhood Housing Services. I was appointed by Mayor John Delaney to the Urban Core Code Enforcement Board and served as Vice Chairman for 5 years. Mayor Delaney also appointed me to the Historic Springfield Arts and Amenities Commission. This commission initiated the designs and concepts for the redesign of Historic Main Street, including the illuminated medians, new landscaping, and historic bus stops.
Born in Elmira, New York and moved to Jacksonville in 1997. I first visited Historic Springfield in 1999 and immediately fell in love! Within a couple weeks I moved to the neighborhood and it didn’t take long to get involved! Springfield is unlike any other community I’ve encountered. People are very friendly, there is always something to do, there are beautiful homes, and gorgeous parks. I’m happy to call this home for life! I’ve been very active in the community by serving on the Board of Directors of the Historic Springfield Community Council (HSCC), Springfield Improvement Association & Woman’s Club (SIA/WC), Springfield Improvement Association & Archives (SIAA) and Springfield Preservation and Revitalization Council (SPAR). I’ve been a member of the Springfield Area Merchants and Business Association (SAMBA) .
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