Springfield’s Mobile Homes
There are several homes located in our historic district that are located in a different place than were they were built. Take a stroll by these properties.
The first building to be moved that is still standing is the Springfield Improvement Association and Archives Community Center. The Springfield Women's Club contracted with Henry Kultho to move the building to its current location in the 30's. It is reported Mr. Kultho's crew rolled the historic church down 7th Street on wooden logs.
The church was too large to be moved in one piece, so Mr. Kultho's crew had to cut the church in half. Once the church was in its' current location the crew put it back together. If you look at the floor inside of the Community Center, you can see the cut in the floor.
Stop 2: 28 W 9th St
Henry Kultho’s home, currently located at 28 W 9th street was originally on Main where Westside Church of Christ currently resides. In 1927 Kultho moved his home off of main to its’ 9th street location.
Stop 3: 1311 Hubbard St
In the 80's the house located at 1311 Hubbard St, was moved from East 2nd Street. The house is built at the turn of the century in a prairie-style and was formally the home of Mayor Frank C. Whitehead.
This house is known for the front of the house facing the backyard. There are a couple of rumors how this happened. One rumor is that there was a dispute the owner had with the city at which direction the house should face, 2nd St vs. Hubbard. Because the owner and the city could not agree which street the house should face, the owner decided to have the house placed facing backwards. The other rumor is that the moving company placed it on the long wrong and it would cost $23,000 (adjusted for inflation).
The largest number of homes moved at one time, was in the 90's, when the School Board paid to move 7 homes that were located where Andrew A Robinson
Original Location: 107 W 12th
Current Location: 221 E 4th
Original Location: 251 W 12th West
Current Location: 1717 N Laura
Original Location: 227 W 12th
Current Location: 2021 N Market
Original Location: 149 W 12th
Current Location: 52 E 9th
Original Location: 237 W 12th
Current Location: 1221 Walnut
Original Location: 211 W 12th
Current Location: 318 E 10th
Original Location: 243 W 12th
Current Location: 355 E 6th
The house that has been moved the most is currently located at 303 W 4th Street. It is rumored this house has been moved 3 times. It was originally built between 1897-1903 at 1116 N Laura St, which is where Karpeles stands today. In the early 20’s Bethel Baptist purchased the home to serves as a parsonage for the church. It is rumored the church moved the home twice while it was in their care but the records are not consistent. The house was moved for the final time in 1987 when it was moved to its current location. According to the church’s records JFK drank tea in the parlor when he was campaigning for presidency.
To learn more about the the moving of these homes check out our Archives, Springfield Sampler July, 2015, Springfield Heritage Education Center Sampler September, 2011, JaxPsychogeo
A special thank you to Chris Farley and Hallie Dufrense and the various other contributors of this article.